Dubai Lynx
NBE has a long standing history in the Egyptian market, thus over the years it has developed an old school and semi archaic perception which we needed to challenge in order to identify with the youth (by far the largest cohort in Egypt 70% of population under 30).
We used a product launch (e-branch) to reposition the brand as a youthful bank that consistently pioneers change with digital banking innovation at their forefront. Developing a campaign that is not just intended to drive traffic to the new branches, but with a main objective to change the narrative on this traditional bank to a bank that stands strong in modern day society.
We had to hand pick our cast, move away from the usual cliches, the familiar and the stereotype of bank robbers. We chose based upon great acting skills. We had to go for a more foreign charismatic cast that would resonate with people, the ones they are used to seeing on Netflix Originals.
We decided to go beyond the pool of commercial cast in Egypt and pick the most unexpected. People that would typically look like a family or friend member; not a model in an ad.
We received an 80% increase in visits post campaign; and over 5 million views on the campaign film in the realm of 3 weeks. The campaign met the overall objective of repositioning the brand with the youth segment. It ranked top 7th place for Most Positive Brand in the YouGov 2019 Brand Buzz Index and ranked top 4th in The Next Generation WOM within the YouGov 2019 Brand Buzz Index.
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