Cannes Lions



Case Film
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In Okinawa prefecture of Japan, there are 39 isolated islands. And tourists of visiting 5 isolated islands were less than 10,000 a year. And we thought to need the structure that isolated islanders oneself could send islands' local information, sell farm products, and take over to children after 10 years ago. And we started the campaign named "OKUNAWA". Through Facebook, 5 islanders started to photograph and post island's beautiful sightseeing spots, managed "OKUNAWA"'s official website, made and sold 10 special original processed foods. And they started island’s monitor tour for general people. TV, newspaper, magazine and web news media....Over 100 media reported "OKUNAWA" as most successful Japanese local government Facebook page. Monitor tour for general people came more than 1,500 applications. And "OKUNAWA isolated island bottle" was sold more than 1,000 sets and sold out. And after 2013 and 2014, it was decided to run "OKUNAWA" by the hand of islanders.


Islanders started to photograph and post island's beautiful landscape, farms, primary school children's motto and so on with their pristine and emotional comments by using their mobile phone in Facebook. And they connected to many people outside and became active.

1. They made and managed "OKUNAWA"'s official website. It's a beautiful photo gallery selected by so many Facebook's islander's photos.

2. They made 10 special processed foods named "the OKUNAWA isolated island bottle". It's made of their farm and sea's products(ex. sea's salt, brown cane sugar, island carrot, rum and so on). And it's sold at Okinawa's convenience stores and an airport as traveler's gifts.

3. They started influencer's monitor tour. They invited and guide power blogger, twitter user and Facebook user to islands' good places.


All was start from zero. But, 'OKUNAWA' got over 32,000 likes and became No.1 Okinawa's information Facebook. And TV, newspaper, magazine and web news media....Over 100 media reported 'OKUNAWA' as most successful Japanese local government Facebook. Monitor tour for general people came more than 1,500 applications. And 'OKUNAWA isolated island bottle' sold more than 3,000 sets and sold out. Now, we are making new one with convenience stores. Plus, it was decided bottles were sold in the biggest department store in Okinawa from July 2013. Future, it was decided to run 'OKUNAWA' by hand of islanders, not us and Okinawa prefecture.

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