Cannes Lions

Old Spice SQUID

TWITCH, San Francisco / PROCTER & GAMBLE / 2018

Presentation Image
Case Film






The goal was to engage multiple Twitch users simultaneously in chat to perform a series of tasks. This would be accomplished by Twitch users typing commands to take control of a physical, automatonic 8-tentacled Kraken to complete said tasks.

Twitch had to bring to life a mechanical mythical sea creature that would be controlled by random people online who would guide this robotic squid through a series of gentlemanly assignments ranging from pulling out a chair for a lady to painting a portrait.


After the Squid gained movement and the ability to articulate smooth ranges of motion, Twitch integrated the Squid technologically with chat via its proprietary application, Drops, which would help register the large number of commands from viewers. This allowed Twitch to retain all users that would tune in with long queues to participate. Unlike Nature Adventure, which required mass voting of an action, the Squid smoothly registered a mass influx of individual commands from chat.

To help amplify the campaign and bring as many helping hands/tentacles as possible to the Squid, Twitch recruited some of its influencers to co-stream the event to their channels and provide commentary.


1.5 million unique viewers / Squid operators

2.5+ million total views

10.1+ million total minutes watched (over 19 years of content!)

140,000+ chat interactions

9 completed quests

1 unforgettable robo-cephalopod powered drum solo

The campaign received widespread media coverage in Rolling Stone, Smosh, Digiday, Ad Age Creativity, and Adweek to name a few.

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