Cannes Lions
We created the world’s first interactive electric toothbrush with a smartphone app that together, provides our users with all the information and data needed to take care of their gums and teeth.
It utilizes two-way communication with the app receiving brushing data and reporting it back to the user. It encourages users to brush the recommended 2 minutes, notifying them if they are brushing too hard, and even if their brushing habits have improved. It’s so intelligent it can actually communicate to users while they are cleaning.
Users can also program the app so to communicate with the brush to help them achieve their oral care goals e.g whiter teeth. While users program their goals, our toothbrush and app will recommend corresponding products to help ensure success. We’ve categorized the options to make it easier for users to set goals be it fresh breath, plaque fighter, whitening, gum health or ortho care.
It also delivers expert guidance by working hand in hand with dental professionals who can program brushing routines in the app to help their patients improve their brushing behaviors and focus on problem zones within the mouth, providing specific brushing and interdental cleaning instructions to follow at home. In addition, dental professionals can provide product recommendations via the app, selecting products based on their patient’s needs.
Patients can share their compliance statistics with their dentist via e-mail, as a way to track and discuss improvement areas.
Beginning in late 2015, the app will allow users to voluntarily integrate their oral care information into other digital programs by opening the API. This will create a seamless venue for users to holistically monitor their well-being, and could potentially provide an opportunity for users to be rewarded for good brushing behavior through various reward programs including product coupons or dental services.
The brush is now available in more than 20 markets in western Europe, north America and Asia. By the summer of 2015, the brush will be available in nearly 50 global markets.
The Oral-B app 3.0 will be available for free in 100 markets on iOS and Android as of summer 2015.
Since the SmartSeries and Oral-B app’s debut at mobile world congress in 2014, initial results indicate improved worldwide oral care behavior in a number of important measures.
Oral care statistics from Oral-B SmartSeries and app use
• A total of 83 percent of brushing sessions are over two minutes, with a global
average brushing duration of 2:24.
• The Oral-B app has been downloaded over 340,000 times since launch; there were
87 percent active users in the month of December 2014.
• Approximately 60 percent of brushing sessions are leveraging the rinsing, flossing and tongue cleaning app reminders, for a more holistic oral care routine.
• The Oral-B SmartSeries with the Oral-B app has helped users achieve thorough
brushing across all quadrants and areas of the mouth.
* over 7 billion in earned media impressions since march 2014
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