Cannes Lions


ID\, Sao Paulo / MARS / 2012

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Analysing the behaviour of people on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks, we realised that more than 60% of the messages shared are complaints.Therefore, our strategy was based exactly on these recurrent complaints.We created a totally personalised videos, in which an abandoned dog speaking in the first person, would approach the complaint made, showing the user that the he (the dog) also faced that, but in the worst way. On the website, the user only needed to select a friend. After that, the personalised video would be sent to the wall, Twitter or email of the complainer.In addition to surprising the user with a video containing the exact thematic area of the complaint made. Moreover, all the dogs used in the campaign were looking forward to finding a home and could be adopted by the user.


In addition to making aware people who had never been involved with the cause, more than 72,000 videos were sent, 34% of the people who received a video, also sent it to a friend, 16% of the videos (even personal and addressed ones) were shared in social media culminating in 4.1m views of the 44 videos.Altogether, 19m people were impacted and the best part: all the dogs that performed in the videos were adopted.

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