Cannes Lions


BBH, London / BRITISH AIRWAYS / 2014

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Picture Your Holiday is a digital tool with a doggedly simple and intuitive design vision. It allows you to simply select from a smorgasbord of different holiday experience images that entice or inspire, from beach life to art galleries, and local cuisine to cityscapes, which you collate in a concertina-style book.

As you explore, the back-­end of Picture Your Holiday cleverly reads these choices, and then serves up four different holiday options to suit - which can then be shared with friends, saved, or even go on to be booked.


Picture Your Holiday was built as a visual and stimulating way of providing holiday inspiration to consumers. We recognised that consumers were increasingly using visual stimulus as a way of inspiring where to go on holiday, and the tool is a simple and engaging way of getting customers to select what they love when they travel abroad, and serving them up exciting new holiday destinations using their choices. The tool is an innovative way of using digital to help inspire our customers, and to get them to share and start conversation about British Airways Holidays and the great range of destinations we fly to.

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