Cannes Lions


FCB MILAN, Milan / SAMSUNG / 2018

Presentation Image
Case Film
Demo Film






PizzAut. The first app that allows people with autism to open their own restaurant.

The app by Samsung, that runs on Samsung devices, is design to meet autistic people's needs. Psychotherapists, language experts and UX designers helped set up functions and layout to generate an inclusive barrier free working experience.

Thanks to PizzAut app those with autism can collect order easily - through a custom-made interface design to overcome all linguistic and social barriers occuring when waiting at tables and interacting with customers.


First Samsung supported by psychotherapists and language experts, designed an app that answer autistic specific needs, implementing functions and visual properties to address those needs.

Secondly Samsung provided the beta version of the app to a group of in-training autistic restaurant staff, in order to test it.

Lastly the app was installed on Samsung tablet, those used by waiters - to collect orders and send out bills - and pizza chefs during the catering sessions.

The catering pizza nights were so popular and the app so successful that the catering team, supported by Samsung, was able to open and run their restaurant on their own.


Samsung PizzAut is a unique, pioneer project in the field of labor inclusivity. PizzAut has in fact the potential to redefine the market labor as we know it, opening new opportunities for low-functioning autistic people bridging an institutional, social and professional gap, with a tool as simple as an app.

Thanks to Samsung PizzAut the first restaurant run by people with autism was open and many others are coming across Italy. The video shot during the opening of the first restaurant generated more than 100 global stories and more than 40 mio unique readers in just 3 days.

The app ranked 5th most innovative branded app in April 2018 by AdForum.

The tool proved so effective and innovative that the experience could and will be expanded to other labor market business.

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