Cannes Lions
EDELMAN DIGITAL, San Francisco / PAYPAL / 2014
#poemgrams brought together 12 poets during Valentine’s week, via live events and a social hub (microsite). Poets live-chatted with customers, and then gave them free, custom poems designed with easy shareability to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
To show the simple utility of PayPal, recipients were encouraged to tip the poets via the mobile app or online service. Both showed that PayPal payments are as simple as tossing a dollar in a hat.
The poems, along with unique content created by PayPal, were promoted through social channels. Each social share brought in new customers and new tippers.
The #poemgrams campaign lasted one week, and in that time:
• 2,749 poems were written (32 poems per hour), each themselves an original piece of social content.
• #poemgrams received 21.5M social media impressions & 49M PR impressions.
• Consumers learned how easy peer-to-peer transactions were with PayPal, resulting in $2,200 in tips for the poets.
• 38% lift in organic Facebook engagement, 90% of which was by new fans.
• 137% lift in engagement on Twitter.
• 1,160 poems pinned to Pinterest, gaining 1443 followers.
• PayPal’s total positive brand sentiment doubled for the entire month of February.
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