Cannes Lions

Powered by Respect


Case Film
Presentation Image
Demo Film






How can skills stand out more than limitations? How can we urge people to respect diversity and overcome prejudices?

We invited a quadriplegic to drive a race car. Most people would say that this would be impossible. But not us, neither our pilot, Rodrigo Mendes – founder of Rodrigo Mendes Institute that fights for disabled inclusion.

If a quadriplegic can drive a racing car, what else is a disabled person unable to do?


To show that limits can be overcome and also prejudice, we challenged Rodrigo Mendes - a global leader for disability-rights - to be the first quadriplegic man to drive a race car with mind control. We build a special car for him, just like a Formula 1 car, and put #Respect all over it. To enable him to drive, we developed a hybrid technology combining EEG brain powered scanner, with steering algorithm and track mapping.

To increase awareness and broaden the discussion about respect, we launched the website "Everything starts with respect" (, a digital platform in partnership with the UN and non-governmental organizations, to urge people to respect differences and change attitudes.


89 million viewers were impacted by the campaign on TV and Web.

The camping promoted 317% traffic increase to Rodrigo Mendes Institute fanpage and 273% traffic increase to the website of Rodrigo Mendes Institute.

One of the videos about the project had more than 636.000 likes on facebook.

The project was featured in sports, entertainment and news programs on Globo TV, that covers 98% of all Brazilian cities, reaching 99.6% of the country's population.

It was also discussed on the Young Economic Global Leader Summit 2017 and World Economic Forum, besides important Social Responsibility events in Brazil.

It was discussed on Young Economic Global Leader Summit of 2017, World Economic Forum and it is already scheduled to figure in important events of innovation, technology and social responsibility, as well as universities fairs.

Volkswagen invited us to present our car in an auto show, focused on automotive innovations and mobility trends

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