Cannes Lions

Price on Our Lives


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We created a wearable price tag to symbolize the price politicians put on student lives by accepting money from the NRA gun lobby and show how they value money more than student lives. The price on the tags is calculated by dividing the total amount received from the NRA by the total number of students. These downloadable price tags were distributed on social media via student activists like Emma Gonzalez (1.5M followers) and David Hogg (782.4k followers). Student activists also wore the price tags for interviews and spoke about them at the gun control march in Washington D.C. The price tags not only called out politicians who take money from the NRA, they became central to the sustained message of gun reform in America as well as an online fundraising tool for the movement.


The wearable, bright orange (orange is associated with gun safety) price tags feature the price NRA backed politicians put on students’ lives. The first price tag read $1.05 and represented the price for students in Florida. We started with Florida because that is where the student activists live and where the Parkland shooting took place. In Florida, if you take the $3.3 Million in NRA donations Senator Marco Rubio received and divide it by the 3.14 Million students in Florida, it comes out to $1.05 per student. From there we calculated a price tag for every state using the worst offender’s total NRA donations divided by the total number of students in the state. The back of each price tag lists the other NRA backed politicians in the state and the NRA money they take. Politicians from both political parties are included.


Originating on a few viral social media posts by student activists, the orange price tags made their way into the sea of millions of people at March For Our Lives events across the country and on stage during activist speeches and celebrity performances in Washington D.C. Some of the biggest names wearing the price tags that day were George and Amal Clooney as well as Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw. The media took notice. The price tags were featured on segments aired on CNN and Good Morning America, with reporters asking politicians for comment, and on relevant sites like Vox, Slate, Huffington Post, and Teen Vogue. Overall, there were 826 press mentions with headlines explaining the price tags and issuing a warning to politicians who accept NRA money, generating over 2.2 Billion impressions. The movement has already started to influence legislation and elections in a few key states.