In 2018 Mastercard and KHL continued running the traditional Priceless League campaign in a partnership with KHL.
We chose the most active fan as a monthly winner and gave him priceless prizes and KHL stars’ autographs.
According to the results of regular games, the best participants from each club, were defined. They were lucky to get out on the ice and share the Priceless Trophy with a team player from a favorite club.
All Priceless League digital activities were covered in the social networks owned by Mastercard and on the site
We’ve created a video instruction to explain users how to participate in Mastercard digital activities.
Significant PR-events were also covered throughout the entire season.
In 2018 Mastercard’s Priceless League tradition got a mascot, and a tutorial video was created about it.
To make users engaged in the activities we used such non-standard mechanics.
The #pricelessleague hashtag became the synonym to KHL in social media and was actively shared by the fans to express their emotions.
The Priceless League media club meeting was organized each month and it was covered in
press, on TV, in Social nets and in famous bloggers’ posts.
During KHL play-off season the Mastercard communities turned into a field. for the
discussion on hockey. It was possible for us to bring up opinion leaders who debated Mastercard activities.
We managed to create a strong hockey community, which made it possible to associate Mastercard brand with KHL.
Engagement Rate in the Mastercard Vkontakte group was doubled during the play
off season.
The follower base increased by 30%. During the Priceless League campaign in social media, we received 40 000 leads and site registrations only from social networks.
The Priceless League site registration conversion from social media was 2%
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