Cannes Lions

Priceless Pets

NBS, Rio De Janeiro / PURINA / 2016

Case Film






The World Health Organization estimates that there are 30 million abandoned cats and dogs in Brazil*, meaning that shelters have become overcrowded and dirty. But despite this, many people still opt to buy a new pet instead of adopting one.

To launch the project an action was raised in pet shops where animals for sale were replaced by animals for adoption. The catch? This exchange was not announced. Through hidden cameras, we can see the surprise when people find out that those animals are as beautiful and lovely as the purebred they usually find in pet shops. And they could get them without paying anything. The concept: Better than buying a life is saving one.

Over 40 pet stores have currently signed up for the project, with each one giving away the stray animals for free on one day of the year. The Priceless Pets microsite shows when each pet store is taking part in the programme, and also shares the address of each shop.

An emotional video was used to raise awareness of the campaign and encourage more stores to sign-up via the website. The video went viral and caught the news attention. The project got amplified and the problem was discussed in TV talk shows. Purina got interested and used their social networks to support, besides donating 5000 kg of pet food to the NGO.

The initiative inspired a brazilian deputy, Luiz Martins, to create a bill (Projeto de Lei #471/2015) which determines that all pet shops from the state of Rio de Janeiro are responsible for having a permanent slot for shelter animals to be adopted. The project is going to be voted in the upcoming months.

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2019, PURINA

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