Cannes Lions
DDB BRASIL, Sao Paulo / OBRA DO BERCO / 2013
Being that it’s a pro bono organization it had an extremely low budget, but very high expectances for the campaign. Located in the most expensive neighborhood in the city, our objective was to target people that lived in surrounding area. We needed to show them that what we were asking for was so little that they wouldn’t even notice. Their lifestyle would not change at all but they would change the life of many children.
Everyone is so used to seeing these little kids on the streets that they don’t even notice them anymore. This changes in a second when you’re reached in a way that you never expected by a message directed at you, coming from a homeless child you’re seeing in the middle of the street. People also avoid giving money directly to them because they never know where this money will go, so this was a way to facilitate the help, since they’d donate a small amount right there, following a link on the SMS, to a serious institution that they knew would help them.
Donnations and visits to the institution website increased substantially while the campaign was running.
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