Cannes Lions



Presentation Image
Case Film
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Coca-Cola Light has been the official partner of San Sebastian’s Film Festival. For the 60th anniversary of the Festival, Coca-Cola Light developed an audiovisual project with the music band MARLANGO.

The objective was to communicate and activate the launch of Coca-Cola Light's innovative project. Creating engagement around the film launch, connecting with and surprising the target audience.

We were looking to generate a high repercussion, high buzz of action and liquidity between different media to develop a convergent activity, which would make it easier for the consumer to interact with the brand, using the Owned Media (website and social networks) and in Earned Media too.

The strategy was to create an emotional connection through art and technology in the hotspots with our target audience and connecting through the media to achieve the most views, repercussion and engagement

We showed the QR Art as the rest of artworks in 11 art galleries in Madrid, Barcelona and San Sebastián (Festival´s host).

We carefully selected the art galleries space in these cities: we studied the nature of these spaces, but also the distribution of the spaces where the QR Art could be showed to obtain the maximum visibility, impact and media coverage. To obtain the highest audience, we studied the affluence of our target to the art galleries.

We used two ways to let the people know where the QR Art would be exposed:

-Using Coca-Cola Light´s social network to direct the audience (Owned Media)

-Affixing some vinyl posters in the shop window to direct the audience into the art galleries.

By scanning the QR code the user could access the premiere of MARLANGO's clip. After the launch of the film, they could download it.

The incredible results of the campaign demonstrated it is a good example of a convergent campaign, where the online content is nourished by an offline action.

W got nearly three and a half million impacts: more than 1.680.000 impacts on conventional press, 1.265.640 impacts on digital press and 46.185 impacts on blogs.

The QR Art was scanned 5.420 times and we got 447.100 impacts on Twitter.

The economic conversion of these results is close to 85.000 €. We probed that when the content is appealing to the target, they become our best influencers, as they interact and talk about and with the brand, getting a high engagement return.

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