Cannes Lions



Case Film
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India has the most appalling numbers to show for Malnutrition:

ONE IN EVERY TWO children under the age of five in India is chronically malnourished [Source: Children of India Report, 2012]

Malnutrition cases among children in India is almost five times more than in China, and twice the amount in Sub-Saharan Africa [Source: WB 2013]

Despite such shocking statistics, Malnutrition never took centre stage like Polio or HIV. And the primary reason is that, there are no overtly visible signs of malnutrition. So the majority of the suffering population go on living a sub-­-optimal life without knowing that something is wrong with them. They were indeed victims of a silent killer. We decided to expose this epidemic by taking a page out of India’s history – Mahatma Gandhi’s Quit India Movement.

Adopting the clarion call – Malnutrition Quit India – we galvanised the Nation to stand up and fight this menace.


TELEVISION: Television was chosen as the lead medium for our revolution. A total of 42 films were made across all the 18 languages of India.

PRINT: Newspapers & magazines were used extensively to talk to the educated elite and sensitise them about malnutrition.

RADIO/CINEMA: These media were used as support media to reach out to as many people as possible.

DIGITAL: To further engage urban populations and stimulate debates on malnutrition, digital was used extensively.

MOBILE: The call for revolution was played on the Indian Railways enquiry number – 139.

OUT-OF-HOME: Hard-hitting messaging was displayed across cities, while wall paintings/hoardings by highways were used to connect to rural audiences.

ON-GROUND: Extensive work was done at the grass root level to engage with the masses. Puppet shows, street plays and several games were organized at the level of anganwadis (village health centres) to break myths and tackle socio-cultural beliefs compounding malnutrition.


A campaign like this cannot be measured in the standard way of measuring effectiveness for brand campaigns. We would be deceiving ourselves if we even think that number of Malnutrition cases among children will drop within one year of campaigning. It will perhaps take us years to eliminate Malnutrition. But the response that the campaign generated in its first year was unprecedented. Within days of the campaign launch, free media impressions and social media chatter grew around the topic of malnutrition. Even the government (including the Prime Minister of India) spoke up in support.

But the greatest achievement of the campaign was the enactment of the National Food Security Act on 12 September 2013. It is the world's biggest food security program in the world and it guarantees that every citizen of India will now have the most basic of rights. The one to eat.

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