Cannes Lions

Rabbi BOT



1 Silver Cannes Lions
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Case Film
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Always was underperforming in the Orthodox sector. We were unable to justify our premium due to religious restrictions on media consumption that hindered the reach of our communication.

Aiming to build equity and increase relevance of Always feminine protection products amongst this key population group we looked to solve some of the tensions a modern Jewish religious woman faces when it comes to biblical commandments related to menstruation. Israel is known for its amazing tech entrepreneurship but for modern religious women, this could also sometimes become a source of immense tension when tradition clashes with their modern lifestyle.

Always’ brand purpose is to build feminine confidence both as a direct function of its products as well as on a higher-level by empowering women. Our aim is to go beyond simply raising awareness to causes of uncertainty amongst women but rather focus on “action”, taking credible steps to improve women’s confidence.


A smart A.I App that uses technology to solve the tensions of modern Orthodox Jewish woman!

Israel is known for its amazing tech entrepreneurship but for modern religious women, this could also sometimes become a source of immense tension when tradition clashes with their modern lifestyle.

We needed a strong insight and activation that will help us bridge that gap.

Always' Rabbi-Bot is a customized app using the power of Artificial Intelligence to help women determine whether they are still menstruating or not, all directly and conveniently from her smartphone with no need to discuss intimate affairs with others.

The App scans the pad, compares it to thousands of previous cases and the Jewish law, and tells the woman what the nature of the spots is, without the need to take it to a Rabbi's inspection.


20% of Israeli women are Orthodox/Religious and as such are extremely hard to reach when it comes to feminine hygiene communication. For them, the topic of menstruation an absolute taboo.

By solving a 5,000-year-old problem, with A.I Technology and Data, Always was able to connect with one of the most segregated communities in the world.

We’ve created a healthy dialogue based on trust that was born from a local insight.

We started by creating a much-needed utility, a service that eliminates the need for the unpleasant monthly consultations with the rabbi and we will do it all with the approval of the highest religious authorities by making sure it adheres to the highest religious standards.

Despite the inherent barriers we managed to break through to this important audience by launching a branded utility using unique touch-points like ritual baths and dedicated social groups.


Can Always, Israel’s leading feminine protection brand, which stands for feminine confidence, find a way to ease the tensions around a woman's period? And by this empowering orthodox Jewish women altogether?

We started by creating a much-needed utility, a service that eliminates the need for the unpleasant monthly consultations with the rabbi and we have done it all with the approval of the highest religious authorities by making sure it adheres to the highest religious standards.

In order to build initial awareness, we’ve announced the launch of the app in a press release in the sector’s media, bound to stir up some reaction followed by recruitment of the lady attendants at the ritual baths (Mikveh) to inform women of the app first hand. Next, we showcased authentic testimonials on private social groups.

Our AI-based app replaced the uncomfortable Rabbi consultations and empowered the women to check on their own which exact state they are in. Just scan your pad and instantly determine whether you are still menstruating, directly from your smartphone.

With the help of prominent religious marriage guides we “fed” an A.I. engine all the biblical rules concerning menstruation pertaining to multiple parameters of possible period and post-period discharge including color, size, shape, and dimension of the stain. We also uploaded scanned sample pads classified by the rabbinical authority which would serve as our initial database. Each newly scanned pad would be compared to the existing base to determine status and would also join the database by itself to further improve results.

A press release drove initial buzz while ritual baths' attendants served as our direct app promoters providing additional "how-to" info. Testimonials on private Facebook groups further drove the message and generated extensive discussions.


Finally, there was a solution to a problem that bothered hundreds of thousands of women.

We ignited the discussion and elevated it to the public agenda and the conversation exploded!

Since launch, 3,000 women on average have used the app per month (about 5% of monthly Orthodox menstruating women) and the numbers are growing steadily despite Covid leading to the shut down of the public ritual baths and consequently of our related DTC program.

App users reacted by thanking Always publicly, talking about how technology enables them to both follow their religious beliefs while keeping their intimate lives private. Even the husbands joined the positive talk.

Always’ equity measurement in the sector has soared (“brand which understands me” up by 23%!) and after being flat for more than 2 years sales are now on an upward trend in the sector (index 107).

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