Cannes Lions

Rantin' & Raven


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Give women a voice in a male-dominated field with the first-ever all-female football pregame show — Rantin’ and Raven — and change the score once and for all for women everywhere.


We needed a strong voice to lead the charge so we engaged Lesley Visser—the first female football TV analyst and one of the most influential women in sportscasting history. To join Lesley on set, we cast 15 loud, proud female football fans in COVERGIRL’s hometown of Baltimore during “A Purple Evening,” an annual event for women. Then on game day outside the stadium, we went live on our set. Passerby could watch the women as they talked football for hours leading up to the game, giving female football fans a voice louder than ever before. Throughout the course of the day we filmed six episodes on a range of football topics. We then took the video to YouTube where it has continued to run and cause plenty of reaction, positive and negative.


Women came out in scores to audition for Rantin’ and Raven. With a single play, we increased the number of non-sideline reporters by 375%. The teaser alone received more than 7 million unique Facebook views and 27 million impressions reaching a total of 52% of the COVERGIRL Facebook audience. We also scored over 17,000 on-site impressions across the two activations and have gained 421,000 organic YouTube views and counting.

But just as important as the stats we scored, was the conversation we started. Especially when we realized not everyone was cheering us on. So while we’re proud to have made a 375% gain, we know we have many, many more yards to go.