Cannes Lions

Rediscover Paradise


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Case Film
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Corona believes that the best side of ourselves shows up outside, when we are able to connect with our essential nature. But how was possible to connect our consumers with nature and keep our brand purpose alive in a world that was ruled by social distance?

It presented a big risk for one the best ways that people reconnect with nature: Traveling.

The main objective was to be the brand that supports the industry that invites you to live life in the wilderness: eco-tourism.


REDISCOVER PARADISE, a campaign in which we told that Corona reserved stays in more than 1,000 ecolodges so that people can participate in one of them. It featured a series of documentaries in which we told through the people who created that ecolodge, the history of each one, secrets and attractions of each destination, we showed each of the hotel spaces and addressed the challenge of overcome the worst crisis in the tourism sector.

In addition, we launched a digital platform, which became the first online eco-tourism agency in the world, in which we aimed to show all the lodgings that were part of the action and give users the possibility to make reservations in each


The PR strategy was based on 4 fundamental pillars:

1: Governments and municipalities: We contact the governments and municipalities of each of the cities throughout the world. This caused them to amplify us on their channels.

2: Lodgings: The thousands of lodgings benefited from this initiative amplified the project in their networks, reaching millions of people globally.

3: Influencers and green journalists: They amplified and thanked the initiative, putting Corona as an example of help and concern for the environment during the pandemic.

4: e-commerce: The fact of developing an e-commerce platform where people could access the stories of the people who were struggling to keep these ecolodges alive and earn discounts on their future purchases made us compete very competitively in some countries. close with Airbnb and that was news in itself.


Corona found a way to adapt to the “New Normal” making disconnection possible for consumers while supporting travel industry: RESDISCOVER PARADISE.

A platform in which Corona pre-booked thousands of nights in hotels all over the globe and used them to incentivize consumers to do the same. When buying Corona in off-trade and online retail, consumers could win free nights to enjoy in their local paradises while protecting them, by returning to the most sustainable eco-hotels across the globe.

Through the campaign, we seek to connect with much more than the destination, we seek to tell those stories that exist behind each lodging, and for that we created 6 documentaries in which we tell the story of the people behind each one.

The campaign had a TV commercial, adding the brand's digital platforms, e-commerce platform, communication at the point of sale, PR and social media.


The results that we achieved were:

>> Over 1,000 Eco-Resorts supported to survive the worst crisis in their industry.

>> More that 1.5 million consumers across the globe visited our on line travel agency to support or know more about their local paradise.

>> Drove a global conversation with more than 2.2 billion earned media impressions, the 2nd biggest in Corona history with more than US$1.6 million in Free press.

>> None of the hotels had to close their doors and survived the greatest crisis in the history of tourism.

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