Cannes Lions
The sale of the CV models are promoted using the offer of a discount on the price, Euribor+ 0% financing and a free fuel card for a specific amount to all customers who buy during the period the campaign is running.The communication problem to solve was to communicate the offer to customer companies effectively. Aim(s): Create loyalty with our customers, capture new customers, generate qualified company contacts for our Network, increase the sales of our models in this segment.Target audience/s: Conquering (58,516 registrations), Loyalty (1,480 registrations), Prospective (822 registrations).
As the companies to whom the communication was addressed receive other competitive offers, we aimed to draw the attention of the potential customer using differential factors of the campaign, the fuel card.The capture target was identified through telemarketing and a telephone reminder. For loyalty, information was mailed or e-mailed. Afterward, a telephone reminder was made.
Everyone knows Los Rombitos and their songs. They were born to communicate drivers an offer of free fuel from Renault. The idea was to indicate, with the money saved, drivers could get a lot more things from their next visit to the station.
Conquered: 1.5% of the companies contacted by a salesperson bought at least 1 vehicle per company.Loyalty: 7.3% of the companies contacted by a salesperson bought at least 1.3 vehicles per company
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