Cannes Lions
Zurich Gastronomy enterprise, Bindella, wanted to create a multimedia PR campaign that would endow each of their 33 unique restaurants with cult status.The idea was to launch a book “Tanti Auguri – a thriller set in the heart of Zurich’s gastronomy”. The Bindella restaurants would serve as a backdrop for the story.In order to create an integrated PR campaign around this new media idea, we founded our own publishing company. This allowed us to exploit all the various available channels such as Direct, POS, Print and Online in an innovative way.The campaign resulted in “Tanti Auguri” becoming available in all significant bookstores and in dozens of online bookstores. After 3 weeks the first edition was already sold out and the book was officially a best-seller. The multimedia PR campaign was self-financing.
We sent the manuscript to the editors of all the leading German newspapers for review.Using their statements and comments, we prepared the presentation folder for book stores and PR that included a menu-style order form.Prior to publication, we teamed up with the SonntagsZeitung (a leading Sunday newspaper), to serialise the first seven chapters of the thriller. Appearing in 1/1 and 2/1 formats it commanded reader’s attention and the interest in the new Zeindler thriller began to rise.At the same time, a separate advert pointed readers to a home-page where one could download two chapters as a top-quality audio book as well as the seven serialised chapters. There was also an order form on the website.
The pre-order figures rose rapidly, overtaking those of the best-seller “The Da Vinci Code”.On the 6th December 2008, perfectly timed to coincide with Christmas shopping, “Tanti Auguri” appeared in the leading bookstores.Zeindler’s new thriller was also offered for sale in dozens of online shops.The results: The pre-orders for “Tanti Auguri” were higher than those of “The Da Vinci Code“. The book stores were excited. Shop sales were approaching 150 copies per day.The 1st print run of “Tanti Auguri” was sold out within 3 weeks of publication. We had produced a multimedia PR campaign that pays for itself.Thus an unusual campaign was launched which has proved that people are more than willing to pay for good PR. By the end of December the book was officially a best-seller.
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