Cannes Lions

Roadtrip to Happiness

JUNG VON MATT, Hamburg / BMW / 2018

Presentation Image
Case Film






To accomplish that, we teamed up with one of the world's most renowned travel influencers: Lee Abbamonte, the youngest American to travel to every country in the world. But we didn't take him on one of his regular travels like luxury hotels, cruises or great beaches. Instead, we sent him on the "Road to Happiness", a week-long roadtrip from the chaos of Delhi, India, to the Buddhist Kingdom Bhutan, the so-called "happiest place on earth".

It wasn't supposed to be shiny, but show a real roadtrip with all its struggles and wonders. Also, it didn't superficially promote the BMW X5, but the unique feeling of travelling by car instead.


Our team followed Lee Abbamonte for ten days from India to Bhutan, created an emotional film and an article that tells his story:


There are two main results: the film reached 29.203 views on Youtube and the article on the was read over 32,000 times, making it the most successful travel article on the newly launched website.

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