Cannes Lions



Case Film
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Case Film
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Case Film
Case Film
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Amnesty International needed a campaign to support their work defending victims of human rights violations all over the world. In Spain, a country in recession, the drop in contributions has been making its activist work more difficult. We came up with a way to solve the two problems at the same time.

We created a clothing collection that would not only bring in funds for its online shop, but also act as a radical means of gaining public awareness: ROPA COMPROMETIDA (the most costly clothes).

Clothing with two sides: wearing it in certain countries brings a risk of being arrested, tortured or assassinated; by purchasing it, you'll help save others from this kind of treatment.

With this clothing, we got people to truly walk in victims’ shoes and Amnesty’s message out to people and media that don’t usually spend time thinking about human rights.


The clothes were presented on a catwalk, generating 365 clips, in the mainstream media and appearing in the 4 most viewed news programs in Spain. This had a total audience impact of 54.470.357 with a total of 915.991€ in earned media.

We also developed a new source of revenue for the future of Amnesty International, the total earnings of the costly clothing on the store coming out to 25.469.28€. The rainbow flag foulard sold out in two days.

We developed a new source of revenue for the future of Amnesty International and every time someone - either famous or not - puts on the clothes, became a brand ambassador and spokesperson of the campaign, and the message will continue to be spread.


The clothes were presented on a catwalk, generating 365 clips, in the mainstream media and appearing in the 4 most viewed news programs in Spain. Wich made a total audience impact of 54,470,357 with a total of €915,991 in earned media. We also developed a new source of revenue for the future of Amnesty International, the total earnings of the costly clothing on the store coming out to €25,469.28. The rainbow flag foulard sold out in 2 days.

And every time someone puts on the clothes, that message will continue to be spread.

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