Cannes Lions


ALMAP BBDO, Sao Paulo / ELMA CHIPS / 2002

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The competition has significantly changed. Today, snack companies compete for preference withproducts of other categories. The main communication goal was to associate out-of-home food habitswith the characters of the campaign and TV celebrities.Using the custom of flirting during the Valentine’s Day period, we sought to interact with young people with the goal of linking the brand, the packaging, the slogan and the theme of thecampaign (Ruffles flirt), inserting all this into their daily lives. The key media idea was to create a project that linked the communication goals with the targets’ daily lives.During the month of the campaign, we ran a commercial produced by the broadcaster with the characters of the campaign (Zé and Betão) and the network anchors (Fernanda Lima and Edgard), all interacting in a flight that included 200 runs of 30” commercials, reinforced by more than 267 sponsorship insertions on the show Fica Comigo and more than 500,000 impressions at the broadcaster’s website.

We designed mechanisms that targeted boys and girls through their favourite artists, interacting with the characters of our campaign within the regular programming with the goal of linking the custom of flirting/dating with the habit of consuming our product/brand in a variety of situations.We sponsored the only show with a flirting/dating theme in which the viewer who submitted the best flirtatious line of up to 20 words via email would win a dinner with the hostess (boys) or the host (girls) on Valentine’s Day. The results exceeded the advertiser’s expectations not only in termsof the 14,436 emails received or the 17.3% sales increase, but also by the fact that the consumer, most of the time, mentioned the product/brand/slogan in the flirtatious lines they submitted, despite the fact they were never asked to include the product/brand in their 20-word submissions.Here is a sample of some of the winning lines:Dinner with Fernanda Lima.Fernanda, I wish I was a Ruffles so you could surf my wave. (Celebrity’s name associated with brand, slogan and the shape of the chip).Dinner with EdgardEdgard, to me you’re like the last Ruffles in the bag. The most fought over and also the most delicious. (Use of celebrity’s name, associated with the brand, the commercial, the packaging and emphasizing the flavour of the product.) Creation and feasibility of the project were the responsibility of the Media department, which also handled obtaining the approval of the broadcaster and the agency's Creative department.

We were able to break with the paradigm of the TV medium in Brazil, transcending the dividing line between the artistic and the commercial. We got a project approved by the principal broadcaster targeting the youth market in Brazil. The project involved the potato chip campaign characters interacting with the broadcaster’s top celebrities.By using the anchors’ testimonials interacting with the characters of the campaign and the product, slogan and theme, the targets were directed to the advertiser’s and/or the network’s websites in order to enter the Creativity Contest. This allowed us to establish strong identification between the communication objectives and the target public. Involving young people through their favourite artists produced a surprising result in terms of participation and also in sales performance. There were 14,436 participants and a sales increase of 17.3% during that month and the two following months, according to Nielsen data.


Creation and feasibility of the project were the responsibility of the Media department, which also handled obtaining the approval of the broadcaster and the agency's Creative department.

We were able to break with the paradigm of the TV medium in Brazil, transcending the dividing line between the artistic and the commercial.

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