Cannes Lions


SANDBERG STARCOM, Stockholm / SAAB / 2002

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SAAB is one of the largest car companies in Sweden with a strong position within the premium price segment. A fairly large part of Saab’s portfolio consists of car models that are popular as company cars in the premium segment. The objective was to attract new potential customers, outside the traditional company car segment. This campaign utilized an advertising format in Dagens Industri that had never been attempted before. Dagens Industri was a natural choice as media vehicle for communicating a complex topic to a concentrated target group within a trustworthy media environment.Dagens Industri has historically been fairly restrictive about new possibilities in ad formats etc. Yet we managed on the day of the launch to advertise in Dagens Industri in a totally new way: That day, the newspaper consisted solely of editorial pages on the 16 first consecutive pages, with no ads at all. Thereafter all of the pages between 17-33 consisted solely of advertisements for SAAB 9-5. The media team together with the creative agency Brindfors saw Dagens Industri as a good way to communicate the benefits of the facelift for SAAB 9-5. In order to be able to communicate the benefits of the facelift for SAAB 9-5, a medium with the possibilities to explain a complex topic, was needed. The selected target group was businessmen in Sweden with company cars and/or an interest in cars within the premium segment.

Dagens Industri is the leading business related newspaper in Sweden with a circulation of 130 000. It is a newspaper with a long history in Sweden. It is seen as a traditional and trustworthy business newspaper with a focus on stock market news and analyses of companies listed on the stock market.This advertising campaign in Dagens Industri was untraditional, unexpected, and unprecedented in its format.The campaign had a very strong impact on the target group, with SAAB dominating Dagens Industri completely the day of the launch. The campaign also resulted in broad PR coverage in newspapers and magazines in Sweden. The media attention surrounding the campaign was immense.

SAAB has increased its market share within the company car segment and is increasing the overall market share within the car segment in Sweden.


SAAB is one of the largest car companies in Sweden and SAAB has a strong position within the premium price segment. SAAB’s models are very often popular as company cars in the premium segment.The media team together with the creative agency had a big challenge to communicate the qualities of SAAB convertible in a powerful and untraditional way to a younger target profile in other environments than as a company car. Showing how the car changes from a “traditional” car to a convertible in a high impact manor was a challenge when choosing media in a cost efficient way.

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