Cannes Lions
The Hidden Valley Lettuce Wraps were developed as part of on overall media strategy to “Follow the Target” reaching the consumer when and where they would be most receptive to the message. The strategy addressed the client’s advertising objective of reminding the target to purchase Hidden Valley Ranch Salad Dressing more often. Traditional reach and frequency goals were established for the overall media plan. The Lettuce Wraps, which were tested on a local level, were not included in these measures. Traditional media, TV and Print, would help generate overall brand awareness and the Lettuce Wraps, intercepting the consumer at the purchase occasion, would close the deal. We were hoping that the Lettuce Wraps would serve as a reminder, triggering the target to purchase Hidden Valley Salad Dressing when they purchased their lettuce. Based on the sales lift generated in the test, this new media vehicle achieved its goal. The idea of the lettuce wraps evolved as part of the media strategy to “Follow the Target” reaching them when they were most likely to be thinking about purchasing salad dressing. Approximately 65% of all salad dressing decisions are made at shelf, given this in-store media played a critical role in the communications plan. While Hidden Valley has participated in many in-store vehicles including floor graphics and shelf-talkers, we wanted to place the message in a new, unique vehicle where they could be the exclusive advertiser and stand out apart from the crowd. We also wanted it to be in close proximity to the actual purchase occasion and in a relevant environment. The idea works on many levels and was executed efficiently on both a CPM and out-of-pocket basis. Using lettuce heads as the medium for a reminder message about purchasing salad dressing was a perfect fit.
Using the lettuce heads as a medium also generated overall brand awareness as 80% of shoppers visit the produce aisle/section. Shoppers spend more time in the produce area than any other department due to the selection process.The Hidden Valley Company, a division of Clorox, will not release internal sales results. However, we know the September 2001 test program generated a significant sales lift vs. markets without this program. The initial test ran in H.E. Butt stores. The success of the program was evident as Hidden Valley committed to two national programs in their next fiscal year. The media team conceived the idea to advertise on lettuce heads as an alternative in-store media vehicle. We then worked with a vendor that had experience putting stickers on wrapped, bagged and boxed fruits/vegetables, Fresh Picked Media, to execute the idea. Together, we developed a lettuce wrap that included a plastic wrap over the lettuce head with an UPC code and a Hidden Valley ad approximately eight centimeters long by five centimeters wide. We presented the concept to the client, Hidden Valley Ranch, while the vendor simultaneously approached the appropriate lettuce distributors and the retailers to gauge their interest and determine the logistics. It was a collaborative process with the media team selling it through to the client and Fresh Picked Media ensuring that it could be executed. Once the idea was sold through to both the client and the lettuce distributors, Hidden Valley Ranch worked directly with the vendor on a test program.The media team drove the program. The idea was championed by the media team and is being rolled out nationally next year. It is a clever idea that is simple, direct and successful. Using lettuce as a media vehicle to advertise Hidden Valley Salad Dressing provides a uniquely compelling reminder to purchase the Hidden Valley Ranch product. It places the message when the consumer is thinking about salads in an environment when they can actually make the purchase. It truly maximizes the opportunity to intercept the consumer at the point of purchase.
To the best of our knowledge, no national client to date has advertised on iceberg lettuce heads.
The media team conceived the idea to advertise on lettuce heads as an alternative in-store media vehicle. We then worked with a vendor that had experience putting stickers on wrapped, bagged and boxed fruits/vegetables, Fresh Picked Media, to execute the idea. Together, we developed a lettuce wrap that included a plastic wrap over the lettuce head with an UPC code and a Hidden Valley ad approximately eight centimeters long by five centimeters wide. We presented the concept to the client, Hidden Valley Ranch, while the vendor simultaneously approached the appropriate lettuce distributors and the retailers to gauge their interest and determine the logistics. It was a collaborative process with the media team selling it through to the client and Fresh Picked Media ensuring that it could be executed. Once the idea was sold through to both the client and the lettuce distributors, Hidden Valley Ranch worked directly with the vendor on a test program.The media team drove the program. The idea was championed by the media team and is being rolled out nationally next year.
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