Cannes Lions
WMcCANN, Sao Paulo / SALVATION ARMY / 2013
The Salvation Army needed to address three issues: to reach young people, with whom it didn’t communicate properly. The donations are highly seasonal, being April and May the weakest period of the year. And the fact of people believing that only furniture is useful, which is not true, since small objects are responsible for most of the profits of the bazaars. We then came up with a way of encouraging donations: declaring April 18 as Ex-Valentine’s Day. Inspired by the date, people could donate clothes, gifts and other objects that remind them of their ex. After all, if the relationship came to an end, it is time to let it go. And you can do it while helping people in need. Or as the tagline claims “Too bad it’s over. But since it’s over, donate.”
Facebook is a social network where photo albums are extensively used. The vast majority of young people posts photos and sees photos of friends and acquaintances. Facebook is for sure the “photo album of today”. And since getting rid of photos is the symbolic ritual most performed by people who have broken up a relationship, why not do it in style?
The app was available on Facebook, a social network where the use and visualization of photo albums occur on a regular basis. This app was widely promoted on the campaign’s URL,, which directed it to the app on the brand’s page on Facebook.
Now, young people not only know the Salvation Army but also identify themselves with it. And help the institution, as we could see in the results of the campaign:
1.1 million US dollars in earned media.
60% more donations to Salvation Army.
200% more people talking about the Salvation Army on Social Networks.
April 18th is now officially considered "Ex-Valentine's Day".
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