Cannes Lions



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To begin with we built a temple to save a mountain.

The belief was that this will prevent industries from digging it up either for soil or build any other structures because nobody in India would dare destroy a place of worship.

We also believed that this building of the temple would draw the attention of society at large towards this cause.

It was an activation which was done for Fuji Bikes which has a range of mountain bikes and more importantly a philosophy to overcome obstacles.

So what we have done here is an activation which we hope will become a movement to save the mountains.


Mountains are being destroyed. They are being dug and their soil is being used for industrial and commercial purposes. The solution was to build a temple on top of the mountain. Because in India nobody would ever do any harm to place of worship. It would deter industries from destroying mountains for their own gain. Over the course of a month, the villagers and the mountain bikers worked together to bring the temple to life and thereby save the mountain. The campaign garnered the interest of the local media as they featured this story in their editorials, spreading the message better than any ad campaign could have.

The result: One mountain saved.

But this is an ongoing campaign. We have more temples to build; more mountains to save.


The result: 1 mountain saved.

3 local newspapers featured our activity as part of the news.

Another village in the vicinity has approached us to save their mountain.

While this activity is being uploaded on the Fuji Bike Facebook page and YouTube channel, it is the local media that is more effective in spreading this message.

As far as Fuji Bikes and consumers is concerned many cycling groups are perceiving this as an inspiration to do good for their environment.

Also while the number of villagers who are looking upon this as a triumph may add up to less than a hundred is very significant.

It could well be the stirring of a movement.

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