Cannes Lions

SEAT Central Launch Training 2018

STAGG & FRIENDS, Dusseldorf / SEAT / 2019

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Case Film
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This product launch was not only used to inform sales staff about a new product, but also to place strategically important topics. Sales people were required to learn more than ever in the same time, which is why the CLT format had to be redefined completely.

In order to prepare over 4,100 guests from 31 markets, an innovative training strategy was developed with the following elements:

• Holistic Gamification Concept

• Tarraco Experience World with 9 interactive Training Stations

• Training App

• Training Portal

• Quiz Duel

The result was an unprecedented training event that combined digital and non-digital worlds, and created disruptive experiences.

The objectives were to comprehensively train, motivate and inspire the worldwide sales force. Salesmen should experience product and brand values and strategy in a most emotional, creative and animating way. Brand messages and excitement for the product had to be conveyed at every touchpoint.



That was the quote that led us. The main idea of the new SEAT Central Launch Training was to break with traditional training structures and create a unique, new training format: driven by diversity of training touchpoints, more open, informal, close, friendly and young-spirited, “Aha”-experiences, unexpected and interactive moments of learning, emotional, thrilling and memorable.

No longer “training in boxes” (classroom training), but a more personalized and individually guided flow to explore diverse training stations. Following the vision of SEAT to make everything easy for customers this “easy vision” was transformed to our project: easy access to all training media, easy to digest Micro-Learning formats, easy to understand content (playful learning), easy to login and call-up content, easy to get in contact, ...


The key to preparing the sales team for the SEAT Tarraco sales was the ideal mix of digital and non-digital formats. In addition, the training event was intended to offer surprising and unforgettable experiences, where learning was implied, but played a subtle role. Motivation for the CLT started with a four week digital Pre-Campaign before the event. Heart of the Pre-Campaign was the Training Portal - A central hub where interactive Knowledge Nuggets, Online Courses and the Quiz Duel were available. A gamification approach connected all activities and accompanied learners from start to finish: With the launch of the portal, the hunt for valuable points and the prospect to win a prize began. Every round played in the Quiz Duel was rewarded, but also studying Knowledge Nuggets and Online Courses or passing Training Stations on-site added additional points.

Target group: Sales and After Sales executives/advisors, fleet specialists and SEAT internals


At the beginning of the event each participant received an iPhone with the SEAT Tarraco Experience World app. To log in, participants held it in front of their NFC badge, were greeted and job-role based content was displayed in their language. The app gave participants a seamless tour and an overview of the Experience World. At each training station, participants checked in quickly and easily via NFC to receive their personalized content (varied from interactive videos, digital scavenger hunts to mini-games and step-by-step instructions). The app regulated the guest flow, so that participants knew whether a station was still available or occupied. For each station visited, participants received points and achievements, which were displayed in the Gamification Center. In addition, the app could be used as a support base, allowing participants to reach a trainer who received and replied via his CLT Smartwatch.

The event took place from 19.11.2018 – 15.12.2018.


SEAT’s global sales rose by 12.8% in the first two months of the year compared to the same period in 2018, registering a record volume of 88,900 cars.

4,7 of 5 points (survey, category „Innovative Training“)

4,7 of 5 points (survey, category „Sales Preparation“)

922,245 rounds played in Quiz Duel (planned: 600.000, +53%)

32,274 Achievements won in Games and by passing training activities on-site (+55% more achievements being earned than planned)

98% of all invited salesmen passed the final test

Participant feedback:

“It was fantastic, we do not know what could have done better. So if this is the format for future CLTs, great”, “Incredible experience”, “Awesome”, “Wishing to return”, “Top! It was a lot of fun to get to know Tarraco”, “Kudos to the Orga Team and Seat! I was really looking forward to the Tarraco and I say Bullseye !!!!”, “Thank you for the great event”

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