Cannes Lions


BBH, London / MYSPACE / 2010

Presentation Image






The campaign idea was to create surprising content and experiences that enable people to get closer than ever to the artists they love. Inviting users to Get Real Close.We created an interactive experience that pulls in your MySpace (or Facebook) profile picture and seamlessly embeds it into an intimate moment with artists like 50 Cent, Alicia Keys and Florence and the Machine. Creating a film that is so realistic you won't believe it is not real.The real magic comes when you make one for your friends. Users can use Facebook connect or Myspace ID to send films to multiple friends, each one personalised to the recipient.The interactive Fanvideos were sent to Myspace fans of the featured artists and seeded to influential bloggers and music communities. The campaign built momentum as it generated press and blogger interest and users sent personalised fanvideo's on to their friends.


The films use emotion and story-telling and the highest possible production values throughout to bring to life the fact that Myspace Music brings fans closer to their favourite artists than anywhere else and celebrates the role fans play in making the artists popular by depicting the artists showing their appreciation.

This campaign dramatizes the truth that Myspace is a social experience of music through the intimacy with the world’s top artists and the way in which films could be personalized and then distributed to friends. We also used Myspace’s number one competitor Facebook as our main media channel.


- 1,523,000 video views to date (and rising)- Awareness of the MySpace Music product up 70% (source: YouGov Tracker)- Facebook referral traffic was up 70% during the campaign (Fan Video and fan group activity) - 30% increase on time spent on Music home page vs. pre-launch levels (56secs vs. 43secs) - Time spent on the Fan video page (once people had logged in) was 550% higher than the site-wide average (6mins vs. 1mins)- 1.2million additional new unique visitors acquired in Jan & Feb - Positive PR coverage totalling £1.8m in value.

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