Cannes Lions


PROJECT SOLO, Moscow / SOLO / 2016

Case Film
Case Film
Supporting Content






Solo is an A.I. with a body of a guitar. For artists it’s a whole new universe of sounds. It creates these sounds that none of us have ever experienced.

Solo designed to reveal the hidden nature of A.I. It’s an enigmatic form exploring the genuine instrument and force of motion that created it. An organic body, interface offering endless relationship possibilities with it’s user and music.


We dramatically expands the possibilities of the genuine instrument. It’s designed to create the music with no limits. Solo is able to control each string individually, in every position and combination possible. It applies different techniques and approaches for every sound. It goes far beyond the limitations of human hands. We are at the stage of working prototype and ready for a massive production.

The String is an interface, an experience, material you can interact with. Brand element with no limits. Being a metaphor of Solo the string provides an ability to create functional ecosystem around within its own design language.


Design of Solo is an iconic form reflecting the music and modern culture. It’s an artistic thing, playground of form and function weaving around the genuine instrument. It’s language scalable and can to be applied to an everyday objects to create truly distinctive brand experience.

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2016, SOLO

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