Cannes Lions


OGILVY BRASIL, Sao Paulo / KRAFT / 2009

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Rede Globo is the biggest TV network in Brazil, number one in soap-opera productions. We believed they were the perfect partner to build the solution together with us.

Our first idea was to place Sonho de Valsa in an ongoing soap-opera, using the existing characters.

But together we came up with a new solution: Sonho de Valsa as a protagonist of a sitcom. The show is called “Casos e Acasos” and it’s aired every Thursday, in the prime time.

The script was about a love history among co-workers and it took place in an office. It was an ordinary place for a dreamy love, far away from the ‘expensive-love-plots’ consumers were used to, but not less romantic.

More relevant than the idea of the soap-opera, we had Sonho de Valsa as the trigger of a proprietary love story. Better than that, he remained the protagonist during the whole plot.


It was the first step to begin changing popular belief about love demonstrations, using media in a wise way.

We had the opportunity to show consumers our point of view about love demonstration with an uncommon product placement. The product appeared more than 20 times during the show with the perfect fit in the plot, giving its message in a natural way.The sitcom was watched by 3,812,735 households.Through the marketing perspective, the initiative provoked buzz in the specialized media and was recognize by the MaxiMídia award, from Grupo RBS, for the Best Use of Television.

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