Cannes Lions

SOS Tomatoes

GUT, Sao Paulo / HEINZ / 2023


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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When the world's top soil can be gone within 60 years, something must be done now. Considering that 95% of our food comes from the soil, that's really scary. Actually, It should be. Let's face It: youngsters are most worried about gaming and streaming. So, we decided to make them experience inside the virtual world what can become their real world in a few years. Running out of healthy soil means that soon we won't be able to grow any kind of food. Which, of course, includes Heinz Tomatoes. That's why Heinz experts struggle to protect the soil and to activate youngsters to act.


Fortnite gameplay presents us with one simple logic: a map that keeps reducing its size little by little until the end, unfortunately just like nature. Using this Creative Mode of the game, we designed a very unique map representing tomato fields of Heinz real farms. The difference: our map reduces faster than any other map because It follows the speed of fertile soil loss in the real world. The goal? Communicate the urgency of soil preservation to younger generations.


It's pretty hard to call the attention of younger generations for a cause such as soil degradation. That's why our strategy was to make a world they really seem to care about almost impossible to survive. Fortnite gamers and streamers around the world were challenged to beat our map. For each player that beat It, Heinz compromised to cover cropping 1 square meter of soil, limited to an extra 13.5 million square meters of soil recovered. As fast as the map, the global community went crazy to play and joined the fight against soil degradation playing and sharing Heinz initiative.


An entire island was designed using the Fortnite creative mode. The map was built with sustainability specialists from the Heinz team to represent real tomato fields. So, users were impacted by an unusual lobby of the game: half preserved and half eroded, and messages that explained the initiative.

The safe area was designed to shrink faster than any other map leaving a trail of destruction behind. Then, we reveal the counter party you have for playing: contributing to save fertile soil.

Heinz bottles including the code to the island were sent directly to influencers with a simple task: try to beat our map. Suddenly, gamers from US, UK, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Poland and Canada started streaming and impacting more than 100mm Fortnite players. In other words, youngsters who love the brand found one more reason to fight in the virtual world: save the real world.


257mm earned impressions.

200m in earned media.

+100mm fortnite players impacted.

+22% increase in visits to heinz caring for soil page.

The Fortnite MAP that protected 13mm+ SQ. Meters of soil.

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