Cannes Lions
UM, Tokyo / COCA-COLA / 2014
We hit upon the idea of sudden refreshment experiences and commissioned the creation of a Splash Vending Machine. This let consumers engage with Sprite’s sense of refreshment literally through a splash of water emitted from a huge vending machine embedding the brand message within a real experience. The machines showed up across Japan at famous amusement parks, a music festival, and in the middle of a crowded city. People started expressing their wishes through Facebook and Twitter that these machines would show up in their hometowns.
The raw figures speak directly to how indelibly this brand experience tied Sprite’s brand messages to its target audience. We reached 1 million people with the campaign, 3 times the amount of people accessed through our last campaign for Sprite in Japan. The videos on YouTube were watched over 5 million times. 17 TV programs, 289 websites and 2 newspapers covered our campaign off their own devices. By campaigns end we’d driven Sprite’s sales to double-digit growth in the 2.7* percent growth of the entire carbonated beverage market (* during campaign term Mar – Sep 2013).
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