Cannes Lions
DDB SPAIN, Madrid / SAMSUNG / 2018
The film begins with a woman walking towards a man who is seated in a chair. Then,the woman drags the chair, with the man still in it, into the center of a large dance floor. As we watch, the man and woman begin to dance a tango. But this isn’t just any tango,because it is created entirely by using stop motion technology. During the film,we see how this “shot-by-shot” technique brings static figures to life, making this particular dance possible. The final surprise comes to us in the narration,which explains that Marco, the male lead, has ALS,a degenerative disease that paralyses all the muscles, and he would not be able to dance like this in any other way. We continue to enjoy the stop motion dance until ending with a call to action to help with a donation,undersigned by the Fundacion Luzón and Samsung, who have made this video possible.
The video’s lead suffers from ALS, a disease that paralyzes all the muscles in the body. Since this is a music video, the only way to make the protagonist dance was to animate his static body by using stop motion technology. Over 497 frames were used, shot by shot, to create the illusion of movement and perform a dance hitherto impossible for an ALS sufferer with motor paralysis. The stop-motion effect was generated by linking all the frames, with all the spotlight on the technique employed, given that, without it, it would have been impossible to have witnessed this dance being performed. This animation effect is the cornerstone of the piece and a highly unique way to explain to the public the terrible consequences of ALS through the use of film and a music video.
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