Cannes Lions


MOTHER, London / AB INBEV / 2015

Case Film
Case Film
Presentation Image






This content series was used globally, the primary markets being the United States, the United Kingdom and Argentina.

Working in the alcohol category we work to a strict set of rules for communication, and branded content is no different.


Start on the ‘Perfectionists’ title sequence.

Title: Stella Artois presents Perfectionists

At the Worlds Greatest Events

Episode 2.

The film opens on archive footage of the 1998 semi-final match between Tim Henman and Pete Sampras. The atmosphere is tense when suddenly a pigeon lands in the middle of the court.

Commentator: Well our friends are back

Title: For years, Wimbledon was interrupted

by unwanted visitors.

The pigeon continues to run riot around Centre Court with a ball boy in hot pursuit.

Commentator: Leave me alone this is where I live when you’re not here.

The pigeon then looks as though he’s leaving.

Commentator: Finally up to the roof. No. He’s coming back.

Title: Until 2000

Ominous music begins to play. We see a close up of a hawk’s feathers blowing in the wind.

Title : The Real Hawk-Eye

An enormous, piercing hawk eye flashes onto screen fixing our view. We see Rufus for the first time. Sentinel and commander of the skies above Wimbledon, Rufus is their official bird scarer. Over the top of majestic footage showing a day in the life of Rufus we hear him deliver the following address to his grey-feathered foes.

VO: Hello Pigeons.

My name is Rufus.

I’m not like you.

I’m a bird of prey.

A finely tuned flying machine

My bosses are very particular.

They chose me for a reason.

I’ve been a member of Wimbledon security for 14 years,

I wake up at 5AM everyday to patrol the grounds.

I am faster than you,

Stronger than you

I am an athlete.

Do you call that flying.

This is flying.

I train harder than you.

I weigh 1 pound 6 oz

The perfect flying weight

I have nothing against pigeons

I’m a professional

I don’t mind what you do,

As long as you don’t do it on my turf

You have been warned.

I am Rufus.

Title: Rufus, Wimbledon’s Bird Scarer

End on the ‘Perfectionists’ closing sequence.

Title: #herestoperfection

Title: (Wimbledon logo) As served at Wimbledon

Title: (Stella Logo) She is a thing of beauty


The "Perfectionists" series proved hugely successful and popular.

In Stella Artois’ first year sponsoring Wimbledon we ended up with 50% online SOV amongst other sponsors.

We spent some money on media for the series but the amplification and PR was so successful we had 97% organic reach for The Real Hawk-Eye film and overall more than 11.5 million global UEU.

The content stories were so popular with the press that we ended up with 2.8 billion global impressions.

The content series finished #7 in YouTube top ten branded pieces for June 2014, an achievement given the World Cup was on at the time.

Brand metrics and sales saw high periods whilst the content ran, all contributing to a highly effective campaign.

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