Spikes Asia


UNILEVER, Taguig City / DOVE / 2023

Presentation Image
Case Film






As a brand that aims to make beauty universally accessible and a positive experience for every woman, Dove recognizes the need to end deep-seated beauty biases that set unrealistic beauty standards for women of all ages. For years, the brand has remained a thought leader in beauty and a pioneer in purpose. This has reflected in it's recent move to redefine beauty under the "Let's Change Beauty" line.

To help achieve this worldwide mission, the brand challenges each market to seek out local insights that drive real cultural change. This inspired Dove Philippines to take on one of the country's most common local practices -- calling children names based on how they look.


To make beauty inclusive and positive for all women, Dove will end harmful name-calling in Filipino culture by empowering girls to reclaim their birth-given names.


To launch a cultural change, Dove recognized the need to have role models to inspire and teach girls that each one is beautiful in their own way, liberating the next generation of women from unrealistic beauty standards, once and for all. Dove appealed to Millennial Moms who have experienced name-calling in their youth, by posing compelling name-calling realities faced by many women, most especially young girls. The brand gathered young girls that have been named based on the features that their families think are imperfections - may it be their body appearance, skin color, or hair style - in a film that surfaces how these nicknames affect the girls’ self-esteem. With the film, Dove aimed to provoke more conversations about existing beauty judgements and rally its audience to put a stop to the toxic practice.


Dove made a concerted effort to shed light on the toxicity of the practice and rally its audience to make meaningful changes to launch a cultural shift.

The film was launched to generate mass awareness on the advocacy, while a diverse set of female personalities created more conversations about the toxic practice on social media by sharing their own experiences. The nametag used in the film acted as a protest piece, inspiring millions to reject a decades old practice.

Dove also equipped its Mom audience with the Dove Self-Esteem Project’s Confidence Kit, a module that guides family members on conversations around self-esteem, to positively reinforce young girls. Influential moms advocated the use of the module to help protect their young girls from the toxic practice of name-calling.


Dove was the first brand to truly start a discussion about the toxic name-calling cultural practice, thus allowing women to be more comfortable with talking about the issue. With a big name brand starting the conversation, women felt heard and were more open to talk about the toxic name-calling practice and the adverse effects that come with these.

The #StopTheNameCalling campaign generated the following results for Dove: Sparked 85M conversations on the campaign, reached 18M digital lives, and received 75M impressions. Additionally, the film was viewed 19M times, demonstrating a message cut-through that's five times stronger than the APAC industry standards.

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