Low vision is a very critical ability that is open to improvement by specific education. If the process of education is not initiated in early ages -preferably right after the birth- the vision can deteriorate and wasted away in time. Indeed, these children receive specially designed training courses starting from early ages.
Project Sunshine addresses the issue and teaches those children how to use their low visions better and to live their lives like non-disabled people rather than handicapped individuals. The healthcare project aims to raise awareness by educating society about the issue. It is a very valuable proposition to remove the obstacles for both individuals and society. Project Sunshine will help those children to discover their true potential, give them the opportunity to improve their capacity and remove their dependence to others via special education program. The healthcare project introduces parents to “low vision” reality and changes both their and
Unfortunately, there’s no gray area in Turkish society between total blindness and low vision. The society and education system don’t know how to deal with this situation. All the kids with limited vision below a certain degree were considered as “totally blind”. They were sent to special care and education facilities for blind specific education.
Previously, this particular education was available only in few private education centers. Now in addition to the education to kids, consultation is also offered to teachers and families as a part of the project. Tablets and data connections are provided to children and their families to communicate with education professionals.
An educational app was created for the kids to exercise and improve their vision. Additionally their drawings with their testimonials were used as postcards in order to increase awareness.
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