Cannes Lions
CP+B, Boulder / KRAFT / 2018
As parents, you have one job: to take care of your kids. But that's a pretty big job. And sadly, but not surprisingly, no parent is perfect.
Kraft Mac & Cheese - the perennial kid favorite - needed to double down on being parents' ally. Show parents they are not alone. Normalize 'parent fails' as anything but failures. Because parents are fundamentally well-intentioned. That's why there's Kraft Mac & Cheese. It's a guaranteed win that can make things right when things go wrong.
The Swear Like a Mother activation launched a week before Mother's Day on May 3, 2017. In a two-minute web video, Mohr presented the eye-popping stats on swearing (letting cursing parents know they're not alone) and introduced some family-friendlier oaths, like 'flippin' goofnuggets!' for those less-than-perfect parenting moments. The long-form video was shared by influencers and news outlets.
We also created downloadable Mother's Day cards that celebrated perfectly imperfect moms and created a little something to help out in those not-so-motherly moments: 'fail-cancelling' earplugs.
The campaign was rounded out with social, digital, print and TV. The TV spots showed true-to-life scenarios, in which a mom or dad got a little too caught up in the fun or was a bit oblivious, and how making Kraft Mac & Cheese redeemed the 'fail'.
In just nine days, the Swear Like a Mother video amassed over 4.5 million views, garnered 70 million social impressions and inspired over 769,000 likes, comments and retweets. All in all, it generated over 387 million impressions worldwide.
On the one day when everyone else puts moms on a pedestal, Kraft showed them at their worst. Yet coverage was overwhelmingly supportive: 97% of mentions and conversations had a positive tone.
The campaign proved that by tackling a difficult topic with humor, empathy and a heaping bowl of Mac & Cheese, you can get your target audience talking, tweeting and posting about your brand.
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