Cannes Lions


LEO BURNETT, Kuala Lumpur / SAMSUNG / 2015

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Case Film
Case Film
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This activation invited tablet users ranging from 25-45 year olds, who are thinking of upgrading to a better tablet. We wanted Malaysians to experience the Samsung Tab S’s Super AMOLED Display in person, so that they could see how a better visual changes the perception of other senses as well.

This is because it’s hard to compare the visual qualities between two screens without a third constant or reference point. Consumers are expected to judge from memory – a near impossible feat without accurate reference materials. We decided to make smell, taste and touch become the third constant or reference point as well as a competitive means to sell the visual qualities of the device. No doubt, this could serve as proof of visual quality.


The activation was conducted in a mall indoors. People would look at a tablet with a conventional LCD screen through a viewing porthole (they were unable to identify the brand), at various pictures – food, flowers, furry accessories etc. While doing this, they were then asked to taste, smell and touch these items.

The experiment was repeated, but this time using the Samsung GALAXY Tab S. Responses changed – subjects felt that the items were better, in taste, smell, and texture.

It was revealed to them that the items were the same, and only the screen inside the porthole had changed.


In total, 93% reported better taste, smell and feel, 5% unsure, 2% mixed – increase in one or two of the senses and a decrease in the others.

The ‘Sense Test’ video spread virally through social channels, garnering 2.2 million impressions on Facebook and Twitter combined.

Against heavy competition, business results were mixed. Within the mid-range category of tablets, the Samsung GALAXY Tab S beat off stiff competition to establish a strong foothold for its first flagship product within this category – this feat was achieved against competitors that were spending heavily – tracked at RM6Mil in media, promotions and other ground events.

To date, the product continues to hold its own against new entrants, current launches of upgrades and heavy media spends from competitors.

Against millions of ringgit worth of ‘better visual experience’ type advertising, smell, taste and touch carved out a modest share, on a modest budget.

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