
The 1st Live Gif in the World

NOSSA™, Oeiras / SOMERSBY / 2016

Case Film
Presentation Image
Case Film
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The objective of the brief was to communicate the launch of the new Somersby Citrus: a new flavour, that provides endless freshness to those who drink it. And for a brand so irreverent in the way it usually communicates, this should also be an irreverent launch. Not with a traditional campaign, but with a campaign that could be present where the main target is: in the digital world. An inside that world, we had to find a different way, never explored before. An activation able to generate engagement, views and lots of awareness. Another goal was to keep contributing to the love brand effect that Somersby already has in Portugal, through an interactive dynamic that the audience could relate with and participate


An online platform was created, specially for the Live Gif to be broadcasted. In that platform, and to make the audience more engaged with us, lots of different elements were available, and by a voting system, they too would appear live and interact with our main character. There was also a chat box, where everyone could say what was one their mind, with live responses from the Lord himself. Hundred of gifs from previous actions were also being generated to be shared on social networks. Some celebrities were also invited to take part of the action, and went live not only on our Live Gif, but also on their personal social pages, generating even more views. To generate more visits, special banners were created and placed on some of the main Portuguese websites, that did more than just communicate the website. They were also broadcasting the Live Gif. Live.

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