Cannes Lions

The Blind Votes

GITAM BBDO, Tel Aviv / ORCAM / 2019


3 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film
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The Challenge:

Most of the blind people are not exposed to the latest technological updates and it's extremely difficult to reach them.

The Opportunity:

We used the most covered event in the country, the election day, in order to change many Israeli's lives that has never vote in a discreet democratic election without asking someone to vote for them. Why? Because the Israelis are still voting via paper notes with the name of their candidate written on it.


The Idea:

In collaboration with the Israeli government, we placed MyEye devices in voting centers all over Israel, that people with impaired vision could wear by themselves behind the ballot and hear every voting note in private.


We basically used the most covered event in the country (The elections) and collaborated with the Israeli government.

We organized a joint press conference with the national elections comity to announce that this elections, blind and impaired people can vote unassisted for the first time thanks to our innovation.

We exploited the huge elections coverage for our own good


In collaboration with the Israeli government, we placed MyEye devices in voting centers all over Israel, that people with impaired vision could wear by themselves behind the ballot and hear every voting note in private.

We announced the project on a joint press conference with the national voting comity a week before the elections.

The strategy was to "put" our product which is used only by blind and visually impaired people, at voting boxes all over the country


We used the most covered event in the country, the election day, in order to change many Israeli's lives that has never vote in a discreet democratic election without asking someone to vote for them. Why? Because the Israelis are still voting via paper notes with the name of their candidate written on it.

Our innovative move has made intimidate local and global impact on all the major broadcasters, newspapers and blogs.

With zero budget spent on media, we were all over the media