
The BMW Animal Detecting Billboards



1 Silver Eurobest
1 Shortlisted Eurobest
Case Film
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Case Film
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Demo Film
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Case Film
Supporting Images
Demo Film
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In Austria, almost every 15 minutes, road kill happens, causing over 100.000 accidents a year.

Until now the only protection available for drivers came from static traffic signs, marking the most critical areas of wildlife crossings.

But especially at night, the most likely time for road kill accidents, those signs do little to help drivers when it matters most.

BMW wanted to communicate that its Night Vision system can help drivers spot possible dangers like people or animals on the road, in the dark of night.

Our objective was to establish the BMW as one of the leading brands in driving assistance technology.


We installed LED Billboards on Austria´s most critical road kill areas and implemented the BMW Night Vision system.

The Animal Detecting Billboards can spot people and animals at night up to a distance of 300m. As soon as the remote infrared system and it´s thermal camera detected animals, such as deer, cows, rabbits or wild boars, a bright warning appeared on the billboards instantly.

After the animal moved out of the sensor field, the billboards switched to normal, showing a Night Vision live feed of the road.


LED Screens were not available at any the identified known animal crossing areas, so the Animal Detecting Billboards were installed temporally.

The 61 billboards started to cover the areas for 6 weeks, beginning on the 21st of March, 2016, the first day of spring.

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