Cannes Lions

The Canceller


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What if we could cancel a service contract without all the stress and wasted time? Big corporations create all kinds of machines and obstacles to make people give up. To counter their tactics, we decided to play the same game. The Canceller is a bot that integrates the powerful artificial intelligence of IBM Watson with Amazon's digital assistant - Alexa - and Google Cloud to the benefit of consumer peace-of-mind. The result is an unyielding and purpose-driven bot, capable of calling companies' call centers and navigating past the endless machine protocols to talk directly to human representatives. It never gives up. Ever. And it gets better. The longer The Canceller is used, the more it learns and the smarter it becomes.


Through data, we could put a spotlight on one of the most dramatic difficulties consumers go through when dealing with big companies. This led us to design a solution that solves this issue. In other words, we identified the problem using data, found the consumers that were suffering the most using data and, through the use of technology we finally enabled them to have their services cancelled automatically.

The implementation went through analyzing more than 1,5 million complaints about cancelling a service, more than 1,500 hours of test calls to companies' call centers, endless programming hours and a complex combination of different technologies went into making the first real cancellation contract performed by a machine possible.


The Canceller spent more than 1,500 hours of interactions with big corporations' machines and human representatives. And so far has achieved the remarkable number of 92% of accuracy on cancelling contracts. On social networks, the video showing some of ReclameAqui's fans trying this innovative solution was a big hit, offering them some revenge through a machine that is not intimidated by the power of gigantic call centers. Based on how ReclameAqui's database and fans reacted to the first cancellations made public, big corporations are better get ready for a new future. Because now, machines are on our side.

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