Cannes Lions

The CROWN Act (Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair)

UNILEVER, Englewood Cliffs / DOVE / UNILEVER / 2022

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Despite the great strides citizens, legislators, and courts have made in recent years, Black women and girls face systemic racism, bias, and discrimination because of their natural hair.

Idea: The CROWN Act is legislation created to prohibits race-based hair discrimination, which is the denial of employment and educational opportunities because of hair texture or protective hairstyles including braids, locs, twists or bantu knots.


1. - Drive awareness for the legislative movement, in particular the federal legislation, and galvanize the Black community and our allies to pass the federal bill in the U.S. House and the Senate.

2. - #PassTheCROWN with a call to action to sign the petition at

3. - Create a memorable nationwide event for the Black community to proudly support to help end hair discrimination in the United States: National CROWN Day, July 3.


Mark your calendar - July 3 is National CROWN Day, aka Black Hair Independence Day!

CROWN Day is a day of solidarity for the human rights of Black women, men, and children to wear their natural hair boldly, and proudly, without the fear of being discriminated against in school or the workplace. In 2021, we focused on a virtual CROWN Awards highlighting the extraordinary strength, grace, and perseverance of notable Black women, whether at the forefront or behind the scenes of change.

We created the CROWN Act to STOP hair discrimination, and now we have a special day each year to celebrate the work that has been done.

• 14 states and 42 municipalities have passed the CROWN Act.

This work has been grounded in LOVE for the Black community with the hope of passing the Federal Bill in 2022.



Across the country, Black people are disproportionately burdened by policies and practices in public places, including the workforce and schools, that target, profile, or single them out for natural hair styles.

Dove’s leadership of the CROWN Coalition has helped raise awareness for the injustice of hair discrimination and helped advance anti-hair discrimination legislation known as the CROWN Act. Dove and the CROWN Coalition have amassed tremendous support for the CROWN Act with over fifty-five (55) official supporting organizations and more than 43,000 petition signatures.?

Key Message

To make hair discrimination illegal in workplaces and schools by driving legislation in the U.S.

Target Audience

General market W18-49 ? | National media (broadcast, digital, beauty, AA/Black)

Precision audience: ?African American ?/ Black; activists / community leaders and social media influencers


The CROWN Act deals with legislation for all US states, including the re-introduction of the Federal Bill, HR 2116.

We do not have a specific timeline because we are aggressively working throughout the year on getting each states in the US to pass the CROWN Act.

Every single asset created whether for digital, social, marketing or PR drove awareness. This is a snapshot of how we tackle each state.

- Create partnerships with wildly-popular Black and Entertainment media to help amplify our call to action (i.e. HBO, The Shade Room, BET, E! News, etc.)

- Educate media + consumers to drive action and pass the crown!

- Conduct tailored media outreach for each local market, as well as a national outlets, which include broadcast, digital and Black media.

- Draft all press material

- Pitch key CROWN spokespeople; including legislators



1. CROWN Act is NOW law in 14 states (+ 2 pending).

2. CROWN Act has received support across the nation with 42 municipalities enforcing the legislation.

3. On March 2022, the CROWN Act Federal bill passed in the US House of Representatives

4. - Grew CROWN Coalition from 4 members to 90+ organizations, including Fortune 500 companies, Black fraternities and sororities, the Faith-based community

5. - Gather over 328K+ petition signatures in support of the CROWN Act

6. - Earned 860M + media impressions since the legislative work started

7. - Executed 80+ Grassroots events throughout the country reaching over 550,000 consumers

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