Cannes Lions

The Finals Guinea Pig

NETFLIX, Los Angeles / NETFLIX / 2016

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Every year during final exams we see the same struggle. Students need to study. But they want to watch Netflix.

To solve their debate, we created The Finals Guinea Pig. A helpful decision engine not powered by an algorithm, but by a living, breathing guinea pig.

Livecast on the newly released Periscope app, The Finals Guinea Pig spent his time exploring a branded enclosure. When he was on the Netflix side, students Netflixed. When he was on the study side, they studied. When he was in-between the two, Netflix reacted to the thousands of live comments that our watchers were making in real time.

In the three days we livecast the Finals Guinea Pig it received 34,000 live views, earned more than 210,000 hearts, and was even retweeted by tech giants like Chris Sacca who called the feed “Pioneering Content.”


The Monday of final exam week we started livecasting the Finals Guinea Pig and immediately it was a hit. Students flocked to the feed to watch our guinea pig explore its branded environment and tell them what to do. They wanted to talk to him, ask him questions, they even named him: Professor Fuzzlepants. Word about our live feed spread across college campuses, across the globe, even across the desk of tech giants like Chris Sacca who retweeted the action saying it was “Pioneering Content.”


In the three days we livecast the Finals Guinea Pig on Periscope it received 34,000 live views, earned more than 210,000 hearts, interacted with thousands of live comments, and grew the Netflix Periscope follower base by more than 2,000 new followers.

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