
The gallery of emerging species

DDB PARIS, Paris / HASBRO / 2018

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In 2016, for its 60th anniversary, Play-Doh had launched a new worldwide communication platform: "Open a can of imagination".

The objective of the campaign, in France in 2017, was to remind people who spend their time mostly online - that modelling clay was still a wonderful way for kids to express themselves and develop their imagination.

The brand also wanted to reinforce the emotional bond with its consumers, parents and children alike.


In a world where 1 animal species disappear every 20 minutes, the concept of "emerging species" was a way for Play-Doh to underline the incredible power of creation that modeling clay offers.

More specifically, the Gallery of Emerging Species, just as all the posts and videos on facebook, were an unlimited way to involve parents and children into the creative world of Play-Doh. A way to remind that modelling clay was still a wonderful way for kids to express themselves and develop their imagination. And a way to reinforce the emotional bond with consumers.


Play-Doh is not a newcomer. The brand was created more than 60 years ago. Three generations have already played with it. They have built stories with it. They have created their own world with it, when they were kids.

It is the reason why the strategy was to talk to parents as much as to their children.

Moms and dads are the ones who can decide what is good and what is not for their own kids. And it was important to remind parents that sometimes the most « low tech » toys are the best for their little ones.


Dozens of imaginary species, all hand-made with modeling clay then animated, were showcased in a virtual museum of natural history. Each creature was specifically presented in its sound environment, just as in wild life documentaries. The graphic design of the animals was intentionally childish, but their names and specificities, just as the tone of voice, added something aimed to adults as well.

Next to the main hall, the "visitors' gallery" was linked to facebook and regularly enriched by some user generated content.

All was made, from social media to TV commercials or even radio messages, so that the campaign had a 100% Play-Doh's DNA.

During 4 months, from October 2017, the whole campaign was driven from facebook, with many posts and videos. Some were driving to the "Gallery of Emerging Species", while some others encouraged everyone to create and share their own new species.


The "Emerging Species" gathered together nearly 3 million parents and children together in France.

The average time spent on the website was 15 minutes.

Hundreds of new species were created by kids and parents (and even by grand-parents, according to some commentaries), proving the limitless power of Play-Doh.

The campaign did not only reinforce the emotional bond between the brand and the consumers, but also between parents and children.

Strangely enough, the true success for this mainly digital campaign was to push people to go back to the real world and to use their hands.

That is why the campaign was probably the year's most "digital" project.

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