Cannes Lions

The Hipster

LOVE, Manchester / DIAEGO / 2020

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Scotch is under pressure. In India, the focus marketplace for our brief, market penetration of Scotch is just 2.7%, compared to 48% for all forms of whisky. Align this with the general perception of Scotch - aspirational but often pretentious – and a problem starts to emerge.

Scotch is in danger of becoming an irrelevant liquid for younger consumers, due to its high price point and ‘stuffy’ old-world status. For a category relying on emerging middle-class consumers for growth, this is a big challenge.

Our job was to rewrite the narrative around Scotch, introducing a smaller, more accessible and more affordable format to a brand-new audience.

Small-format consumption was already part of everyday culture in India, but it looked very dusty and dated, so our focus had to be more ‘status driven’: a contemporary solution that also allowed us to stay true to Scotch’s timeless appeal.


With self-expression at the heart of our thinking, we started to think about how we could create access to Scotch in a new way.

Our aim was to give our audience an opportunity to make a statement about their identity, and to break away from the conventions and expectations of the category. We wanted consumers to enjoy Scotch wherever, whenever and however they want – not how they were ‘told’ to drink it.

‘The Hipster’ was born. A portable whisky format inspired by the shape and proportion of a mobile phone. Scotch ready for ANY occasion.

From sketch to store, we designed, developed and delivered ‘The Hipster’ with incredible attention to detail across the Diageo India Scotch portfolio.


We wanted a slim, lightweight format that redefined the whisky category, and how consumers engage with it.

The flasks translated to bold, impactful branding that allowed the brands to express their sense of style. The packaging for each was streamlined to fit the smaller format, amplifying the key brand assets to drive stand-out.

Staying true to mobile device design language, our flask is thicker than a mobile phone, so we created a flask form that appears thinner than it is; the thickness concealed by clever design features. A subtle radii across the flask, running into a sharper radius at the edges, creates a flat ‘band’ around the flask creating the perception of slimness, as the eye’s drawn to the flat, sharp edges rather than the curvature on the front and back.

Instead of glass, PET was a super-lightweight solution offering the same durability but at an eighth of the weight.


The Hipster became the ideal accessory for a new type of consumer; those who navigate the world of travel, food, drink and personal relationships through a lens of independence, inclusivity and identity.

Helping to reframe the perception and consumption of Scotch in India, The Hipster has become an exciting, convenient and individualistic format with high flaunt value. It has also been demonstrating huge potential to recruit young millennials in casual get-togethers and lively hangout occasions, which is classically underserved by Scotch.

Net Sales Value of £7m in year 1.

Forecast before launch was £4m.

Outperformed by 75% - over anticipated sales.

+12.6% pack share gain (in 180cl category)

+1.9% Overall Scotch share gain (Bottled in India)

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