Cannes Lions


JWT SINGAPORE, Singapore / SPCA / 2013

Presentation Image






The Hope Window, a campaign to appeal to pet shops to give up 1 space for 1 abandoned dog. The Hope Window in pet stores are hooked up with live streaming cameras and the videos are hosted on SPCA’s Facebook Page. Potential ‘buyers’ at the pet stores can find out more about the dog in The Hope Window through brochures available at the pet stores. Because the price of adoption is far lower than the price of buying a non-abandoned dog, we welcome those who would like to pay more because the extra money is given to the pet store for up-keeping the next SPCA dog to be placed in this window.


Since the launch date is so recent, please check the website ( for latest results. But it is clear that both SPCA and the pet shops are very passionate about this campaign. They are keen to work together to make this happen because they believe that this campaign will truly help rescued animals, even if it means less 1 sale of dog for the pet shops.

No media is required as the space is volunteered by the pet shops. The only collaterals required incurred less than $3000 such as window decal, brochure and a one-time set up of microsite.

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