
The Humanium Metal Initiative

ÅKESTAM HOLST, Stockholm / IM / 2017


1 Grand Prix Eurobest
2 Gold Eurobest
1 Bronze Eurobest
2 Shortlisted Eurobest
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There are hundreds of millions illegal firearms in the world. As a result, someone is shot every minute. Armed violence is a global epidemic that hits developing countries especially hard.

The global cost of insecurity generated by armed violence is estimated at $400 billion annually, the negative effect on the global GDP is estimated to at least two per cent per year.

IM is a Swedish development organisation with over 75 years of experience from regions where illegal firearms stands in the way of aid, development and progress. To make sure more firearms are sized and destroyed, as well as mobilizing the necessary resources to help victims of armed violence, new approaches are needed.


The Humanium Metal initiative is based on maintaining a close transparent involvement and cooperation with public authorities and local organisations.

The metal comes from seized firearms, controlled by relevant public authorities and cleared for destruction by local legal representatives.

The first weapons destruction program dedicated to Humanium was held in November 2016 in El Salvador, in close cooperation with the El Salvadorian authorities.

Technical specification of metal can be provided for each single batch of melted firearms, in accordance with the documentation handed out by the industrial melting plant.

Humanium Metal is available as steel powder, which is suitable for a variety of production methods. The steel powder is also 3D printing compatible enabling brands, artists and designer to make prototypes and made-to-order-products.