Cannes Lions

The Hungry Night


MP3 Original Language
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Supporting Content






Halloween, a time when people are ripe for some scares, what better time to promote our 24-hour restaurants and delivery services. Why? Because night hunger can be scary.

So, around Halloween,

we disrupt the conventional food-porn with the Thai’s favorite form of storytelling, the ghost stories.

We wanted to both entertain and engage the consumers to our night services and obviously,

give them a good scare.


“Night cravings can be scary.”

The idea is, when Thais find themselves alone late at night, ghosts and urban legends are not far from their minds. What if we dramatize the growl in their tummies, that little voice inside that tells you to get some food. What if we make those “symptoms” scary. And then while entertaining them with ghost stories, we also remind consumers about McDonald’s 24 hours service at the same time.


Wanting to disrupt those food-porns and the dull promise of “anywhere, any times” claims of the conventional 24hr service restaurants, on Halloween, we opted to entertain our patrons with something that’s not only relevant but engaging to them. We scare them. And that, we think, is the best way to remind Thais of McDonald’s 24 hours service during Halloween.


We made each of our spots sounds like ghost storytelling. And released it on the occasion of Halloween via specific ghost-story radio programs that people love and enjoy. Moreover, we have pushed the boundaries of radio spots by creating illustration specifically-crafted for each corresponding story and put it online as always-on content in McDonald's channels and also streamed it on Facebook, Youtube via "The Ghost Radio" in a way that people are familiar with when they enjoy their ghost stories online.


In 2 days, and campaign budgets

Results: In 2 days; 3 ads altogether

- 1m Reached

- 150K Facebook Views without any boosting

- 50K Online impression

(This is data from FB page posts alone, not includes spots that aired on specific radio programmes.)

- 21% increase in sales

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